Saturday, April 21, 2007

No loop this year

"Beauty before me as I run,Beauty behind me as I run,Beauty below me as I run,Beauty above me as I run,Beauty beside me as I run,Beauty within me as I run.I see beauty all around.In beauty may we walk.In beauty may we see.In beauty may we all be."

I forgot to register for my favorite and only consistent trail run of the year. I assumed I'd register but I arrived home to to find a nice little note in my mail box letting me know it is too late to register the race have reach its the capacity and not to attempt to register on race day!!! :( Well here is my post from last year Leathers man's Loop and here is the Leatherman's Blessing before the race. Next year I'll be sure to register when I receive the first invitation!!!

I have been away a few days this week. A mini vacation. Had a great time in Gainesville, Va visiting my sister. We also visited the DC area.

My running this week have been pretty consistence and I'm glad about that. Monday I did 8.45 miles@10:15pace; Tuesday 7.5 miles @ 10:20 pace; Wednesday 11.8 miles @ 10:22 pace; Thursday 8.2 miles @10:15 pace and Friday 9.4 miles @10:20 pace. I did not get out today after waking up at 4:15 to be back on way home I was planning a rest day for the Leather's man Loop which would have been on Sunday!!!


Jim said...

Dawn . . . I hate it when I overlook my favorite runs :( I'm sure you're bummed but there are plenty of other times to run.

Hope you enjoyed your mini-vacation!

Thanks for the beauty thoughts . . . we all need to be recalibrated sometimes and your quote just made my Saturday.

Renee said...

I hope you enjoyed your time away. You can look forward even more to your favorite trail race next year -- it will seem even sweeter with the year off.

Bob - said...

ummm just show up and say What Notice?? I never got a notice and I am ready to RUNNNNNNNNN & have Fun, Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-)I also brought some Extra mojo for some of my peeps.

OK you can just "ACT as IF", and just TOE the line --LOL say "Huh? Do u know I am DawnB and I have to run a race event every other weekend or I will my bloggers buddies will think I am slacking--haha

OK never mind just wait til next year I guess :-)

I am glad you had a good mini-v-vat with your sis and good workouts.

Anonymous said...

I have had to forego many of my favorite runs this year due to my school commitment so I definitely understand the disappointment. At least you are getting in some good mileage and running during the week. Hopefully there is another favorite run not too far away for you.

Ryan said...

Dawn, we may have crossed paths when I used to live in NORWALK, CT. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Keep chugging along!

Dubs said...

Bummer about your race! I guess I had better sign up for mine that I keep forgetting to do.

Looks like quite a race. I like the blessing.

Dubs said...

oh - and hope you had a great time on vacation with your sister!

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...