Friday, January 12, 2007

Thank you

Thank you all. I know I'll get thru this. and Malik will be in our hearts forever.

I overslept for my run this morning. The alarm went off I turned it off and the next time I look at the clock it was 6:30. I felt really guilty, how could I have miss my 12 miler?. I had it on my mind all day at work, how could I get it done. When I got home I just decided I had to do it. So I suited up and went out at about 5:30pm. My only fear was running in the dark. But is was no darker than when I run at 5:00AM and at least there were more headlights to blind me tonight. I did a three mile stretch on a very open road then I did a loop that was about 2.25 mi long 4 times then I headed home. Total for today 12.50miles.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 9.12 mi w/4 @15K/half pace @9:20pace
Wednesday: 11.1 mi@10:17paceAM PM 4.12 miles @10:14 pace
Thursday: 5.35mi rec @10:30 pace
Friday: 12.52mi @10:41 pace


Bob - said...

NOW umm I think WHEN U missed ur 12 miler then came home and GOT IT DONE DawnB, that MEANS Your MOJO was not going to BE DENIED!!

That Is Awesome that U didn't blow it off.

Sorry to Hear about Malik... Yes, was a long time but YOU are right He is in DOGGY Heaven and He also ran in front of YOU the WHOLE 12 MILER tonight, clearing your path!

Have a great weekend,


Phil said...

Yes! You are dedicated. I hate to run at night with traffic - the headlights are a real killer. Congratulations for getting this run in.

Anonymous said...

Way to get it done. It's tough when you miss it in the morning then are forced to either do it at night, or try and make it up, which is tough to do if you already have high mileage planned for the next day.

susie said...

So sorry about Malik, Dawn. And good for you getting out there today. I was not so motivated, but today's the day.

Thomas said...

I'm so sorry about Malik. Dogs do become part of the family, and it's very sad when they die. I usually find a run is the best way to get your mind off the sad thoughts.

Dubs said...

Missed your run? I think not!! Awesome job in making it happen! Quite the mental drive! I think Bob is right - Malik was with you for the run!

Love2Run said...

Nice job getting it done Dawn. This hard work and dedication will pay off. I'm sad to hear about your Malik. They do have such personality and we still miss our Golden who made it to 12 years.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...