Monday, April 04, 2011

My Funny Race Day

How many times have you heard " get you race gear together the night before the race" well of course I never do. I even had guests that did not leave until about midnight. I never have guests so it was a nice change, but why did it have to be the night before a race? Race morning, I was up by 6:30 the race starts at 10:20 and it iss only a 45 minute drive: I could not decide what to wear, I must have changed pants 3 times!! at one point I changed my socks too. When I finally left the house it was 9:10 and I had to get gas!. I got to the race at about 9:45 and I was grateful. Found parking went to get my bib and tee shirt, thought I would have time to get back to the car but I decided I must use the ladies room well that took up the 20 mins I had then some! I did not get back to my car, only had 30 secs to get to the start line. I had to throw on my race shirt over my long sleeve shirt and put my vest back on, these are the things I would have left in the car. I knew the temps were going up and by the end of the race we would be well into 50 ish. By mile 2 and a half I had to strip down. I left my bright pink vest, my Tee and running shirt by a stop sign. I then had to adjust my socks. I am sure I lost about 2 minutes. I did not stop my watch I am in a race the race clock is not stopping. I finished and felt fine the whole race accept for the head winds. Went back to the stop sign to get my stuff and went home. When I got home and remove my shoes , I notice I had too different socks on!! Happy Running


Thomas Bussiere said...

Different socks - Love it.
Congrats on the race, and looks like you started a new tradition.

A Plain Observer said...

I'm sure no one noticed. I wouldn't have...
Well,the good thing is that you felt good regardless of all the obstacles you had.

Black Knight said...

Great story, I think the usual story of every runner.
For me it is pointless to prepare the bag the day before, because I always change my mind the morning of the event.
Moreover, I don't know why, but I am always late!!!
Here we wear different socks to get lucky!!!!

Read/Write/Run said...

You just gave me a great idea for blog post about funny race stories. Thanks. Now I have to come up with one and encourage others to do the same.

BTW, it could have been worse. What if you brought two different color shoes or better yet, two left shoes?

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peter said...

I'll bet you had a pair of socks in your dresser drawer that matched the pair you wore to the race. I once wore two different shoes on a long run, they were both Aisics but different year models.

Sunshine said...

Love the unmatched socks!

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