Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wow I can't believe it the second race this year I went to register for and registration is close the More Marathon is close? I can't believe it the marathon have never had over 200 and I have ran it since 2004. Was always the the half marathon that took over the race. I'm not sure why they hadn't already made it into the Half Marathon only. I was hoping to have a streak with this one.


Dubs said...

oh bummer!! I guess they don't expect people to race 26.2 miles spontaniously!

Julie said...

I feel your pain. I too went to register for the half the other day-closed!!!

Pamela Ann said...

The cut off was 200... shame on them. Hopefully the next one will have your name on it. Good hearing from you. Hey can you just run the full anyway....maniac (smile)

Christie said...

That sucks. I'm sure you'll find another race though.

Michelle said...

Don't fret! I know it sucks when you can't race the race but there are always more on the horizon!!


DawnB said...

Pamel Ann I'm pretty sure the marathon never had over 200 for the five years I ran it. Last year the the half was over 8000 they started starting the marthon and the half at the same time after the first year.

Pamela Ann said...

8000, that's a good amount of people doing the half. Another half must be torture out there.
But your brave enough to go it.
I love your heart. Maybe next
year I'll try a booth. I'll check
tje details.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...