I got in a well needed twenty miler today 20:03 miles by the way of BOSTON BLOWOUT 30k wasn't a pretty day, rainy and windy. I was out there for allot longer than anticipated. I finished the 30K in about 3:22 not my best. I really felt good out there that was the main thing . I'm not sure if I can call this a true training run because if I had left my house this morning and did the training on my own it would have taken me at least 4:oohrs. But I did not feel like I was racing I was comfortable the whole time. I wasn't drop dead tired and yes today I did feel like I could have finish a marathon.
Today I am very thankful for all the volunteers out there helping out and 3 that I know very well Paul, Andrea and Julie!! Julie thank you for giving me that last push I needed I really was trying to procrastinate. I also want to thank Jim for keeping the clock on even after his published cut off time of 3:06. Special Kudos to Don and Kate and for tackling back to back 30K's.
Nice job. 3:06 cutoff? That's a bit tight, right at a 10 minute mile.
Nice job with the race. It sounds like you found just the right pace - faster than your long run pace, but not so fast that you felt taxes. I'm glad to see your running is coming back to you so well.
Great job! Way to go!
WOOHOO Dawn way to go!
I am proud of you running this 30K race!!
A 30 km race is alway a tough committment. Only the real runners can do it. You made a very good job. Congrats.
Good for you.
You really are a maniac
arent you? Keep it up!
You did well!!! Tough under those conditions
Thanks for the 'kudos'. It's always nice to see you out there.
Great reaading
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