Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The storm started late Sunday and ended some time during the day on Monday. What allot of snow. Everything shut down on Monday so no workout, nada. Thought about pulling out the aerobics fat burning tape it never happen, ended up wasting the time paying bills. Monday will count as a rest day, a true rest day. :)

I felt really good on the treadmill this morning. Man, it is so much cooler in the morning at the gym. When I go in the evening its very hot and just plain hot.

Tomorrow is back on the road, unless it is too cold. I'm sick of it already, braving arctic weather, you can only take but so much.

Happy running.


Christie said...

The sun is coming. We're actually supposed to get nice weather this weekend.

Unknown said...

A rest day from time to time is a good thing. I hope your weather warms up soon.

Michelle said...

Spring is in the air!!!

At least that is what the weather man said this evening!!! And I believe him because he's cute!!!

Good running!!!!

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...