Saturday, February 28, 2009

of course I did not get out by 9:00AM as I would have liked, because I did not go to bed like I said I would. So this morning when I finally got out of bed I wasted a whole hour doing nothing just wasted time.

I did basically the same route I did last week except this week I completed 14.02 miles in the same time I did 13.02 last week.

I never plan for hydration when I do my longs runs there have been times when its way too humid and hot out, when you have no choice but to bring a bottle with you. But to be honest I've been caught in situations like that and out for hours with no hydration how foolish can one be.

Today I pop $2.00 in my pocket. I was worried about having change clicking around my pocket during the run if I stop and got a drink. At exactly 5 miles I came to a gas station, stop and got a drink, it was exactly $2.00.

I'm hoping the predicted snow storm don't come tomorrow, and if it do I'm glad I got my long run in today :)

Happy running.


Unknown said...

I'm glad to see your running is getting back on track. Hydration is a tough one on long runs. It's hard to carry it with you, but it's hard to pick up along the way.

Love2Run said...

Ever try just looping back home for refills? Nice to see improving speed too. Keep at it!

Sunshine said...

Good for you.. and in less time today, too!

Christie said...

You did better than me. I got out later this afternoon. I sorta thought about postponing the run until tomorrow, but I remembered the weather forecast. I hope they're wrong though.

Michelle said...

Hi Dawn,
Thanks for your comment about my love of peanut butter!!!

Do you not want the jar?? Do you eat peanut butter???

You know i am nursing a broken toe right now. I cannot wait until i get the go ahead to run again!!!

I am missing it something awful!!!

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...