Sunday, March 25, 2007

More Marathon- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The More Marathon Video

The Good: I finished yet another marathon. This one seemed tougher than it should have been. I've learned that any marathon that I really don't think about and just do them I do allot better. Much too much talk about this one at work on Friday. Believe when I tell you my running and racing never spill over in the office. This happen because I'm sort of couching someone thru their first marathon and would you believe its Boston. I'm more exited about it than he is.

PS: The best thing that happen today: When I came in at my blazing 12min pace to finish the announcer called my name Dawn Bolling, Norwalk, CT and this is her 4th More. I actually lift up my arms and gave a huge smile to the clapping crowd. This was my proudest moment.

The Bad: I did not get to meet Renee who was doing the half today. For whatever reason I had no Idea that they were starting everyone at the same time. For the last three years they have started the half marathon and the walkers before the marathon. I thought I would pick her out of the group. This year there were a total of 6500 women much more than in the past2000 more that last year. It was unbelievable trying to weave pass the walkers there were thousands of them. When I was coming in a little delirious, I felt that I was begging a few women to move "please, please oh please move" those were my exact words. A couple of times
I did wave to someone that was running she past me twice in the opposite direction. I thought that this could have been Renee she had her hair in a single braid looking at Renee picture they could have been sisters. Her hair was longer.

Renee we really need to plan this out next time and not leave it to chance that we meet.

The Ugly: I woke up groggy and disconnect this morning. Could it have been those 2 &1/2 caps of vicks I took last night to help me sleep through the night. This marathon was one of those I felt like I was in a training run. But of course it would not have been as fast more like 5-6 hours for a 26 mile training run. The ugly I gave up on my training efforts too early and I took this marathon for granted no matter what I'll improve because each year I've ran it I improved. And one last thing when you have re-arrange you nano and believe you've created the ultimate playlist for a marathon, check it before race day it could save you at least 3 mins on the course:)

When I said yesterday was a pre-marathon recovery. This was on my schedule I ran all week and follow my race week schedule of 35 miles which include 100m strides. This was the first I've ever done that. Should have been only four miles. But believe me when I tell you I did not feel a thing running 11-12mins miles I even left the heart rate monitor home because I did not want it to scream at me the whole way "heart rate too low"

Thank you all for your comments and good wishes. Yes I've already found some adrenaline GTS 6 online . There is no way I can do better than them with a pair Dr. Scholls arch support socks. Perfect match.

More Marathon 2007 : 4:34-4:28net and I feel great. do not have the usual stiffness I feel great.


Anonymous said...

Congatulations, Dawn! I look forward to reading about your first post-marathon recovery run now.

Renee said...

Congrats, Dawn! What were we thinking not planning to meet up? I passed someone on the course that could have been you, but I wasn't going to stop every runner and say "Dawn?"
That would have been weird.

You finished your 4th More! You've done every year. You deserve to be announced!

I laughed when you said there were points when you thought you were the only one running. I was actually feeling great in terms of morale until I started lapping walkers stopping in front of me to take pictures.

I think this event will look a little different next year with so many more runners!

Love2Run said...

Great video, everyone is having fun. Nice work and not even stiff? You're lucky!

seagull junker said...

Can't wait to see your report on how you threw it down at boston!

Phil said...

Congratulations on another finish. Sorry you didn't get a chance to meet Renee.

Thomas said...

You're a marathon machine. Congratulations, Dawn.

Bob - said...

Way to Go Dawn!! and yes 4th More, you are consistent and persistent that has something to say about your determination and love for running!!

and wow they really packed it out with participants.

Great job!!

Unknown said...

Holy crap, that's a lot of runners! Great job. Any marathon you can walk away from...

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