Yes I felt well enough to tackle this monster today. I tell you if any one is preparing for Boston this is truly the series to help you tackle that monster. I wish I could tell a race report like most. What do you say about a race that you have done the last 3 to four years and each year it kick your ass. Boston Buildup 25K is the toughest course in the series. My result 2:31:26 was not my worst today and it was not my best. I depend on this series to keep me on track with the new race season and that is exactly what they do.Although its pretty tough I try not to let this series predict my race season. Each year I look forward to them thinking that this will be my year. Well what can I say I'll have another shot at it next year, now won't I :) Here is a more detail look at the course. Damn, I wish I could write a better race report other than it was tough and hilly as hell!!!
Happy running everyone!!
WOW I check out that Course...Great job Dawn... you had a good pace, it's a good start for race season as you said...
I think you did awesome, I am starting to run some bridges because we have no hills in Flat ASS FL--lol and the bridges are tough enough for me.
Good report :-)
PS and glad you are feeling better too...we missed you on blogland
Holy cow, and still not feeling 100% - and the fact that it wasn't your slowest time just shows how in shape you are! You go woman!!
Yes, you can be anemic w/out knowing it. I learned it a few years ago when trying to give blood, tried 3 times - finally ended up at the dr. This time, I was getting an allergy blood test and I asked them to check (simply because I wanted to give blood & not want to waste anyone's time). I expected to be fine, but learned I was very low.
I love those winter series races. This looks like a good one. Tough and hilly sounds like a good description.
35F is pretty cold for a foot race. Especially 25K when you're not feeling well. Looks you ran it as a nice tempo run.
With the temperatures warming up I'm sure you speeds will go up also.
Hope you're feeling 100% soon.
You are one tough runner to tackle that kind of race when you aren't 100%. If you had been, the course might have gone home crying.
You are the racing woman. I have a feeling this is YOUR season, Dawn. Go for it.
Details, we need details! Good run Dawn but how did you cope with the hills. How was the weather and crowd support? I'd love to see you doing this next year really prepping for the big one.
I agree with Mike. Details, more details!
And remember, hills are your best friends.
This thing looks awesome! Series are always best to get ready:)
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