Thursday, October 05, 2006

My little Mishap

Not much to report today. I did not check the temp when I went out today but it was pretty cold and windy. I'm guessing below 50F. I did about 8.2 miles today and my average pace was 10.02.

The run itself was nice. I ran to our local beach. Hubby was there fishing early so it was nice to stop by and visit a little. I believe I ate to much this morning because on my way back I really had to use the bathroom. None of the beach bathrooms were open. There really was nowhere for me to hide. I was in a panic thinking I may have to interrupt my husband fishing and ask him to take me to a gas station. By this time I'd completely stop running not wanting to make the situation worst.

I was lucky to have spotted a bait and tackle sport shop open I ask them if there was a porta pot close by although I hadn't seen one. My round about way of begging them to use the bath room. They point me across the shipyard and thank God it was an actual bath room!!! My stomach was at war. This very rarely happens to me and when it does I'm almost at my front door. Note to self : Do not add two hard broil eggs to breakfast of oatmeal. They don't seem to work well together for me.

October 5th 2006

8.2 Miles @ 10:02 pace


Renee said...

Oh, Dawn! That sucks! One time I was running at Coney Island and I had to beg the kid opening Nathan's to take a delivery (at about 7am) to open his bathroom. He did.
Luckily, most people are nice, I think!

Unknown said...

Those days defintely suck when the food you ate does not agree. Make sure to skip that combo from now on.

Phil said...

Stomach distress really sucks. You never really know what causes it. Tomorrow you could eat the same breakfast without issue.

Hope your tummy cooperates tomorrow.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...