Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time, Time, Time

Where does it go, day after day I come to you wanting to say my say, wanting to share my day, the good, the bad and the ugly and day after day I leave you empty. Today all I have is a short update because I'm extremely tired.

The whole week was spent mostly on the treadmill a week that should have logged many miles on the road. I am not the morning person I use to be , so once I loose the morning, I loose my choice and to get it done I end up at the gym in the evenings.

When I am not cheating with grabbing on to you for dear life, I actually do accomplish something, like the other day when I inclined at 2.5 for 4 miles or another day after doing 9 miles I changed machine to one that had a decline up to 2 which I did for almost 2 miles at 7mph. Do I feel any of this will help my runs outside? of course I wouldn't know because I am rarely out there anymore. I know this will end shortly with daylight savings coming in about two weeks, but it seems to be taking forever.

There is more to be said, but I am actually going to bed now, a rarity in my book, but to bed I must. My week was well, ok, I wanted to log more miles lets hope next week will be better.

2/21/2010Run: 4.5 Mi
2/20/2010Run: 5.3 Mi
2/19/2010Run: 12.37 Mi
2/18/2010Run: 8.2 Mi
2/17/2010Run: 11.27 Mi
2/16/2010Run: 6.14 Mi


Thomas Bussiere said...

I like your honesty and living in reality. Nonetheless, you are still getting it done, no matter how you slice it. It will get better - Keep pushing through that wall and show it what you have. Sometimes you got to get mad at yourself!

Black Knight said...

A weak on the "dreadmill"??? You are a professional runner!!!!

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...