Saturday, August 01, 2009

I don't know where to begin. Been very difficult for me to blog these days because I just have so little to talk about and so little time. My training is going well as you can tell from my training log. I am doing better out there but you wouldn't know it from my training times. Some days I feel on top of the world and think I'm having a break through and there are some days when I can barely get going whether its because of not enough sleep or to much weights the night before. But in general I am feeling pretty good.

I have been sweating like a hog because of the humidity but I can't complain too much because we had some glorious days for a while. The rain have been a factor but I decided why complain about something I can't change.

I'm looking a bit slimmer lately but my scale tells me otherwise. I've lost a few more ponds but still struggling.

I like the fact that I'm adding more trail runs during the week it is so nice running in the shade of the trees. There have been times when it was well in the eighties and it felt a whole lot cooler on the trail. I really want to run better on grass, so I try to incorporate grassy areas as well.

I like the way my training is going, lots of miles I've done only one speed session so I want to get started with that again, its hard doing it on your own but I'm just not ready to go back to the group yet. The weekly XC runs and weekend races could count as the speed work. I try hard to get in tempo work but just can't seem to hit it when I'm on my own. These have never been an issue with me in the pass and I'm trying my best not to dwell on it any longer and to look to the future and see how I can help myself now.

I haven't done any race reports of late just don't feel like it but I am racing as usual and believe I'm right on track for at least 50 races this year a little short of what I did last year but I'm ok with that. I've even added a few races that I've never done before and I've made it a priority to race new races whenever I can.

Well that is all I have for now and you may not hear from me for a few days I do read your blogs whenever I can, and feel guilty when I'm not updating.

I hope every one have a great running week. Happy running :)


Christie said...

Hi Dawn,

I'm glad to see you're still running. You're not the only one having issues updating your blog either. I've been doing weekly recaps and such. And it's sad because I have the time. I just don't. Anyway, happy running :)

Michelle said...

Dawn sounds like your running and training is going good for you. I hope it stays that way!!

Soon the weather will be cooler and running will be awesome!

Mark said...

Glad you are racing and training!

Thomas Bussiere said...

The great thing about getting acclimated to the heat is your min / mile time will pick-up significantly when the temps drop this fall. If you’re not updating your blog, that means your keeping your priorities in order with what little time you have. Thanks for stopping by my blog and providing encouraging words. It really helps to keep me motivated after having a disappointing race. I will be checking back soon to see how things are going for you.

Thomas said...

Training is not always a reliable indicator of race fitness. In the past 5 weeks my training paces have stayed very constant but my race pace has dropped by a remarkable amount.

Enjoy the trails!

A Plain Observer said...

I look forward to your updates.
What's inmportant is that you are feeling good and some of your runs are great. Those are the ones we work for and get through the other ones so we can enjoy the good ones.

Black Knight said...

I love the trail runs too because our eyes can enjoy the nature and not the usual cars! 50 races this year? Congrats!!!
Please don't leave the blogsphere!

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...