Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I did not want to go out the door this morning. I kept seeing 13F and I feared what it would be like. I've been out in worst. I finally went for it, it wasn't my worst run weather wise but this was the first run this winter that I felt chilled. Ipod turn off because it was too cold believe me that's the only explanation because when I came home and went to the gym it worked just fine.
I couldn't get going on the treadmill tonight, some days you have it some days you don't. I kept going for 5 miles then walked another at a high incline. I did manage to get some weight training in. Yes I did make dinner for my son before I left him and his friend playing video games. I've tried to get him to come with me. I will not give up, I will keep asking and one day he might just surprise me.

Hope everyone week is going well


Bob - said...

way to go Dawn, You are not alone having a tough time training in that cold weather, spoke with a few peeps up north today and it's been rough for them as well....good job getting to the gym tonight!

God Bless!

Bob - said...
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Unknown said...

When it's too cold for you Ipod to work - that's cold!

Michelle said...

Yikes!!! Bad iPod!!! WIthout music my runs seem to last a very long time.


Sunshine said...

Daylight saving time starts this weekend. I'm remembering that it makes it hard for you to run before work in the morning.
Sending you encouraging thoughts for your next few weeks.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...