BB 25K Tough as usual. I had no business out there but I finished!! Was a great day for a race: I was worried about getting there on time with the time change, I got there with no issue. Frank, Emmy, and Kate was there I'm sure they'll have a better race report and pictures, I'm lousy when it comes to race reports. I was sure I caught a glimpse of Ken I think it was him, I'm sure he finished in half the time I did :). I'll have to wait until the official results. I took it really easy I really did not attempt to climb any of the hills. I felt like I was in training mode the whole time. Time wise my worse on this course today, this too shall pass.
Nice way to end the week. Just over 60 miles.
2009-2:50,2008-2:35,2007 2:31, 2006Sunday school,2005-2:29,2004-2:28, 2003-2:35
Congrats for the race, another one to write on your log-book!
The training mode is the best way to enjoy a race.
You done good girlie!!
A lot of mileage and a great pace for you!!!
that's such a cool video clip of the start!
Still, you got out there and did it. That's what it is really all about. Great job!
You continue to inspire me
Dawn --thanks for posting the video..
since I ran the race at my training pace I have no race report -haha, only to say that I felt tired at the start and was glad to have it over -like you i did about 60 miles. Good work on that tough course after your high mileage week!!!
Wow, 60 miles in one week. I have never-ever-ever-ever-ever-never run that many miles in one week. My legs might fall right off.
Well Done!
congrats on the tough course dawn. Ill be honest i checked the course profile beforehand and i was definitely a bit timid coming into this race. My apprehension was masked by nervous laughter and smile before the start! Next time you see me, whack me upside the head! :)
my club had a 25K Race but they dropped it as an oddball distance. I did it once before then though, so I have 25K checked off on my life's list. Good going for doing yours so often.
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