Sunday, February 18, 2007

Reflections of Week 7

Here it is in a nutshell. I want to believe I'm still following a plan. And of course I'll stick to it to the end, because I truly believe it will help me with my marathon next month.

2/12- Rest or cross train: Actual- Rested
2/13- 8 miles w/10X100: Actual-8.34 miles w/10x100@10:47 pace
2/14- 14 mi mlr: Actual -7:5mi on the treadmill 9:44 pace
2/15 - 5 miles recovery: Actual 7.56 on the treadmill 9:17 pace
2/16- 12mi w/7 mil @15pace 4 mi/ pm: Actual-10.2 mi on treadmill 9:49 pace
2/17- 6 mi rec Actual 13.44 mi @11:32 pace
2/18- 21 mi Actual- 21.4 mi @ 11:33 pace
Week's Total: 68.44

I've notice and I've said it in the pass that it do help me to run on the dreadmill once or twice a week because it do keep me on track at pace that I am not able to maintain any longer on the outdoors. So when I can I will get in there. I've heard a few people say they learn to run faster on the treadmill. The first two days was a test for me but on Friday I felt great on the treadmill.

When I ran outside on Saturday I felt the dif. I actually picked up the pace quite a bit. But then I slowly eased into my outdoors boring pace.

Sunday(today) long run was a really challenge my only hydration was on my 16th mile I stop in at the Norwalk Community College and drank water. Thank God there was some type of activity going on. I really need to plan for my long runs better. I really was trying to stay under 4:00hrs but that just did not happen I think my last mile was 14:36.

This truly is a tough schedule to follow and for someone that trains at my pace its even tougher. I figure whatever I do will certainly help me next month. So onwards I march into week 8. Should be a littler warmer!!! Just want to thank all of you for all your encouragement. Thank you Dusty you really made me feel special how could I not go on?!!!


Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I started to say 68km is a pretty good week then I realized you were talking Awesome!!!

Bob - said...
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Bob - said...

ya she is making me feel bad now :-( I need to log MORE miles (sigh)))

Dawn u are getting up to ULTRA Running miles being logged... do U have a 100 miler EVENT? that we don't know about planned - haha

Great Job!

PS I had to edit my post -hence the deleted post above

Renee said...

Dawn, let me tell you, your mileage is awesome. The truth is you've run more marathons in one month than most of us have run in our lives. So maybe you don't need a program because you've kicked ass on your own enough times.

I am much slower than you and can't fathom the time for that mileage. It's why I don't bump up the training a bit. I don't have it in me in the dark and cold of winter!

How are the boys?

Renee said...

My girlfriend wants me to add: Be the runner YOU are! You have kids, you have a job. You can't leave it all on the road, you've got to have something for the rest of your life. We all wish we had the luxury to just pound out the intense mileage, but most of us don't.
You are one of the strongest runners on the road!
(Okay, I admit, some of that was me but the first sentence was all her!)

Anonymous said...

That plan is a tough one to follow, but I agree that it will help you in your upcoming marathon. Have you thought about doing a progression type run when you get on the treadmill? Start at an 11 minute pace and then increase the speed every minute or two until you reach a 5-10k pace. I always found that it helped make the treadmill a little more interesting.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...