Tuesday, January 06, 2009

What a difference one day makes. Monday I was all over the place, just slipping and sliding. Today dry as a desert. Sometime you just got to know make the call to go to they gym. Monday I was slipping as soon as I got on the road. I should have hop in the car and dragged myself to to treadmill. I know if I had gone, I would have run an additional 3 miles in the time it took me to run 4.37 what a dope.

1/5/08- 4.47 miles
1/6/08- 5.42 miles


Unknown said...

True, but sometimes running in tough conditions can toughen you up a bit and make good conditions seem so much easier. I know, I'm always looking at the bright side. ;-)

A Plain Observer said...

and today sliding all over again. I am too clumsy to run on ice, if I want to keep all my teeth, I have to go to the gym.
BTW, the training runs are every other weekend. Check www.celebratelifehalfmarathon.com. It is probably an hour 10? I'm guessing.

Pamela Ann said...

Good going, better than not running at all!

Christie said...

Well at least you didn't hurt yourself out there.

CTmarathoner said...

our roads were a sheet of ice yesterday --no running outside:(
you were brave to try!! Driving to the gym takes time..

Sunshine said...

This seems to be a crazy winter in a lot of places. Do take care of yourself.
Good luck with running and wishing you a happy year.

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

Be careful out in that stuff Dawn You have a lot of good races to run in 09' and a lot of race t-shirts to give away :-)

Happy 09'

Anonymous said...

The gym provides a definite benefit when it is slippery outside. It may be boring, but at least you can get your run done and not worry about injuring yourself.

Bill Carter said...

Hi Dawn

Happy, happy '09!

70 races last year?? You rock!

Morrissey said...

dawn- i love the fact that you mentioned treadmills...treadmills are the best thing since sliced bread :) keep on training !

Black Knight said...

I agree with Pamela Ann, better than not running at all. I don't like to see a "white hole" in my log-book.

peter said...

Ah to be outside!

Bill Carter said...

It is definitely treadmill time.

Way to go Dawn!

Sunshine said...

Good to know your ice has gone by. May spring be somewhere sooner in the future!

Pamela Ann said...

Where are you. I hope you are okay.
I know the weather is awfuk, but come and blo with us. Miss you.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...