Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Here we are a new week. I've been really lazy about updating my blog this week. I've updated last week actuals in my previous post. I figure why go on and on with the excuses.

8.34 miles


Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

Good job Dawn!!

I need to bump my miles up more per week...get to 50m ish

Thomas said...

Your weekly mileage is very good, but you should probably try not to cut down your long run. 12 miles isn't a real long run for someone in marathon training.

I don't mean to criticise, your training overall is quite impressive.

Renee said...

But the excuses are the best part, kiddo!
How bad was the storm out your way?

Phil said...

Broken record time ... I know I've suggested that if you feel like adding miles, do it on your long run and don't over do it on your recovery runs. The inverse is also true. If you need to subtract miles, do it on your recovery miles and not your long runs. Those nice long aerobic runs, especially those over 17 miles are the core of your developmnet.

Of course that's easy for me to say, sitting out here at 11PM with the outside door of my office open, listening to the fountain in my court yard. Life is tough in Arizona in the spring time.

DawnB said...

Thomas, I know 12.4 mile will not due for a long run. I failed to say it was a 20k Boston Buildup race I did. Very tough hilly course. I only needed 4 additional miles I was too tuckered out.

Renee, the storm have forced me into the Y the last two days which makes me a very :( runner.

Phil, I know, you guys are tough. tough is what I need to get me through. I think this week was really tough for me . I'm running into another one. 7 miles on the threadmill will not do for marathon training

Anonymous said...

It sounds like tough love, Dawn. Keep on putting in the miles.

Love2Run said...

Hang in there Dawn. You've bitten off alot with this new program and life and weather conditions sometimes just gets in the way of our running. Spring is just around the corner, thank God!

Unknown said...

All things require breaks to recharge...even blogging.

Dubs said...

Oh gosh, you don't need excuses. You are an inspiration. When you miss a workout or don't go as far as you planned, you make us all realize that you are human and maybe we are capable of keeping up with you - oh, then we wake up and realize that no one can keep up with you woman, you are quite the overachiever!! :)

PS - I have no idea how you run in that weather - even the group run was canceled here in Dallas last week because "have you seen the weather - the wind chill has it in the single digits!" - haha - quote from the leader of the group run.

  I am still here!  Ended 2021 strong.  Felt good and was back in the best shape I've been in a while . Went back to the office June of ...